your code:
<cfinput type="text" name="" validateat="onSubmit" validate="email"
required="yes" maxlength="45" typeahead="no"
you should give your field a proper NAME, and then reference that name
in your INSERT query. CF uses the NAME attribute to get filed values -
so always provide a valid** NAME to your form controls (**valid =
conforms to CF variable naming rules).
<cfif structkeyexists(form, 'submit') AND len(trim(form.email_address))>
<!--- form has been submitted and email_address field is not empty:
insert into db --->
<CFQUERY NAME="insertFormData" DATASOURCE="blueskeleton">
INSERT INTO emails (emailAddress)
VALUES ('#form.email_address#')
<!--- do whatever you need to do now that the email has been inserted
into db --->
<cfinput type="text" name="email_address" validateat="onSubmit"
validate="email" required="yes" maxlength="45">
also, your query was missing an opening ' in front of the inserted value...
also, in your <cfform> tag you seem to be missing = in the NAME attribute...
also, you have a stray ' after ID in your submit button code...
Azadi Saryev